Antioxidant present: Lutein, a type of carotenoid, which isalso found in spinach and other green leafy vegies, and plays an important rolein protecting the eyes against cataracts and age-related vision loss.
The research says: While other sources of lutein containsignificantly more of the antioxidant gram for gram, it is better absorbed fromeggs – as much as three times better. That’s according to research from TuftsUniversity in the US, which has repositioned the egg – or specifically eggyolks – as a valuable source of antioxidants. Exactly why the lutein in an eggyolk is more ‘bioavailable’ than other sources is still unclear, but it isbelieved to be something to do with the yolk’s fat content.
Tip: Another study showed that eating one egg per day for aperiod of five weeks was enough to increase serum, or blood levels, of luteinby 26 per cent, without having any effect on cholesterol levels.