If you are asking yourself the question, “which pans are thebest?” then you may be asking the wrong question. The correct one, of course,is: “which pans are the best for me?”
You stand on the department store shop floor and areconfronted with walls upon walls of gleaming cookware displays. Bright coloursmay catch the eye, copper tones may appeal to your style and the latest gadgetsmay draw your excitement, but the sheer abundance of choices can be theantithesis of a decent shopping trip: overwhelming. We want to take some of thehassle out of choosing your cookware, so you can confidently buy the pans thatwill actually work for you and your kitchen. We’ve compiled these fivequestions to ask yourself before you buy your new pots and pans. So before youembark on your next shopping trip, take some time to consider the following:
What do you cook?
We’re an ambitious sort, us food fans. We want the latestand greatest tools & gadgets to make the newest trendy recipe and it’s easyto be swayed by fashions and trends when confronted with all of the splendourof a cookware department. Circulon pans will last you a lifetime, thereforewhen purchasing new pans, it’s important to consider what your bread and butter(no pun intended) dishes really are. Do you roast or steam your veggies? Areyou a tray food chef, serving up lasagnes and cottage pies every week, orperhaps you favour stews. Put your cooking preferences at the core of yourpurchasing decision will mean that you get the most out of your cookware.
What cookware do youuse at the moment?
You’re updating your cookware so it’s highly likely that youhave a good idea of what you like and dislike about the pans you currently have.Perhaps your pans have wobbly handles, or the non-stick doesn’t live up to itsname. Perhaps you actually really like your pans, but you want to upgrade to aset that matches your kitchen and you’re looking for something that performsjust as well.
Knowing what you already have will help you to make choicesabout what you want. Our quality guide can give you an idea of what to look forto ensure that you are purchasing a superior, hard wearing product.
How many people doyou usually cook for?
It is so easy to overlook this point when being swept up inthe excitement of buying your new cookware set. Do you mostly cook for yourselfor are you trying to regularly feed a family of five? This is an importantconsideration when it comes to potentially ordering a stockpot when you onlycook for 2 and have little freezer space to store left overs.
What sort of cooktop doyou use?
This vital question, so often forgotten, is one of the mostimportant points to bear in mind when purchasing your new cookware. Whilepeople often opt for pans that are suitable for all cooktops in order to futureproof their purchase, if you have invested in an Aga or Rayburn, it might bebetter to prioritise base thickness above all to ensure pan bases do not warp.Alternatively, if you do not have an induction hob and have no intention ofswapping to induction cooking, there is little point in making inductionsuitability a significant specification. If, however, you have just upgraded toan induction cooktop then this suitability is an absolute must, lest you runthe risk of your pans actually not working at all on your new hob.
What type of kitchendo you have?
The final question is actually often our first thought whenshopping: style. We can be very exacting at Circulon when it comes to technicalspecifications; but our products are also created with elegance and panache inmind and you must consider the kitchen in which these pans will sit. Do youhave an old fashioned country kitchen, or do you perhaps favour a minimalisticlook? Beautiful pans can accessorise your kitchen décor as well as serve theiruseful purpose.
There we have it, the 5 most important questions to askyourself before buying your new pans.